heart easy cookbook health by kac youngThe Heart Easy™ program and cookbook began because I had a heart attack in 2006. It caught me completely off guard. For years I’d been eating healthy, or thought I was. I maintained a healthy average weight and figured I’d outlast most of my contemporaries. The heart attack told me loud and clear I needed to do much more than I was already doing. Thus began my journey into heart healthy eating.

I started by making a list of everything I loved to eat, then I researched the list in terms of fats, salts, sugars and nutrition. As I began to read labels in greater detail, I saw how much I was putting into my body without even realizing it. I changed everything in my refrigerator to non-fat and I experimented with substitutes for my favorite dishes. I tried the new recipes out on my friends and relatives and that’s when the real excitement began.

Heart Easy™ Cookbook

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