Pendulum Power



When we use the pendulum, or any tools for divination: Tarot, I Ching, Runes…. we aren’t doing anything out of the ordinary. We are simply using the sixth sense we were born with.

Natural intuition is a feeling that guides us in a certain direction without fully understanding why.  It is something that we know or understand without proof or evidence.

In using a pendulum, we are using our natural intuition to speak to us through a device that will give us answers we can understand. The pendulum helps us takes the guesswork out of inner guidance. This book will help you learn to use your intuition and tap into the power that a pendulum has.

Opening to our intuitive nature is really about paying attention, listening and being present in the moment, fully open in our minds and bodies to hearing guidance. It is also about trust. When we trust ourselves, and the answers we are receiving,  we connect to the greater voice within. When we listen to that voice deeply we receive the guidance we seek. You are your pendulum are excellent partners at finding partners for the journey of your life.

Pendulums are extensions of our subconscious.  To use them we only have to be open and listen to what they have to tell us. Holding the pendulum is the easy part; listening is the greater challenge.

David Hawkins says in Power Vs Force, “We have at our fingertips a means of accurately distinguishing truth from falsehood, workable from unworkable, benevolent from malign. We can illuminate the hidden forces, hitherto overlooked, that determine human behavior, We have at our disposal a means of finding answers to previously unresolved personal and social problems. Falsehood need no longer hold sway over our lives.” P. 13

This is the first step in the healing process.

Pendulum Power

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