The One Minute Cat Manager


This book is the work of forty years of adopting, loving, caring for and managing cats. The full title: The One Minute Cat Manager, Sixty Seconds to Shangri La.

As if we thought we can actually manage cats!

The book is chock-full of great ideas and techniques so you can adopt and raise a happy, healthy, well-adjusted cat without breaking the bank or becoming a full-time cat nanny.

Plenty of stories; you will laugh yourself sick reading about the antics and carryings-on of cats and their keepers. Beautiful illustrations will keep you delighted as you turn each page. 

There are health tips, grooming tips, training tips, safety tips and even bedtime stories for kitty (written by famous contributors from around the globe.)

If you like cats, have a cat, want a cat or just would like to be thoroughly entertained, this book is for you.

The book is available on Amazon.


About the author:


Kac Young has owned cats for decades and she worked full time. Recently, her compassion got away from her and she adopted five cats from a rescue center. She is also the co-founder of The Showtime Comedy Club Network and has a knack of telling a story with heart and humor. She’s also Irish and weaves a grand tale (or in this case, tail.)

You may also want to see Natural Healing For Cats Combining Bach Flower Remedies and Behavioral Therapy by the same author.


The One Minute Cat Manager

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