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Susan Irby, The Bikini Chef

An incredible thing happened this past weekend.  I was on location directing a television pilot with the beautiful Susan Irby, The Bikini Chef, and one of our special guests on the show came up to me and asked, “Would you autograph my book?”  I had never met him before.

In his hand was a copy of 21 Days to the Love of Your Life. What are the odds? It was a delightful surprise!  He went on to tell me how the book had changed his life and that he was now in a wonderful relationship thanks to working the process. Nothing makes me happier than hearing the success stories of people who follow the 21 Day Process and find romance.

I hope  everyone who wants to find a mate reads this book and works the process. The life-changes are amazing; I’ve seen it happen many times over the years. It worked for me and several of my friends, too.

I’m not claiming that this book and process is the only way to find love, but it is a genuine proven method, when worked faithfully and according to the directions, and it does deliver the results.

I’m so happy for S.D.  His great big smile was contagious. (I’ll contact him and  ask him for permission to use his full name). Hopefully he will invite me to his wedding!

If you’re struggling with dating, worried about finding a mate, depressed about relationships, lonely and seeking love then please do yourself  a favor and try this process for yourself.

…A Man Walked Up To Me And Said……
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