Susan Irby
Susan Irby, The Bikini Chef

Susan Irby called me in early September and announced that she would be bringing her family through Cambria for a visit and asked if I would  like to be a guest on her radio show! “WOW!” I replied. “Of course I would,” I said clicking my heels together and jumping for joy. I was lucky enough to have been a guest on Susan’s show two years ago when my Heart Easy, The Food Lovers’ Guide to Heart Healthy Eating came out. Susan is a terrific interviewer and I loved how she supported my message and methods for supporting a healthy heart.

play button Kac Young and The Quick Guide to Bach Flowers Guest on Bikini Lifestyles Sept 18, 2013


I felt I had been an unlikely candidate for a heart attack, because, in my opinion, I was eating healthy and doing fine. Was I ever wrong! A heart attack in 2006 woke me up big time and since then, I have been on a mission to help others avoid the ER. I provide nutritional information, health tips, and delicious recipes for the heart health of the whole family.

Susan’s mother is a nutritionist and Susan followed in her footsteps creating an empire about low-fat healthy eating for the Bikini Lifestyle which includes wining, dining and working out. When Susan asked me to be on her show again, I was over the moon.

My newest book, The Quick Guide to Bach Flower Remedies, had  just been released and I couldn’t wait to share my new book with Susan. She immediately warmed to the idea and asked if we could also do an interview segment on the Bach Flower book, too. The Bach Flower Remedies are so close to my heart, that we needed no preparation. We just began talking. I hope you will enjoy the chat. The interview aired Sept 18th on KABC Talk Radio.

I have used Bach Flower Remedies for over 30 years. What I run into all the time is the lack of knowledge about the flower remedies and how they work. There are many books in the marketplace, but many are complicated and hard to ingest if you are a beginner. I wrote my book The Quick Guide to Bach Flower Remedies, the Natural Way to Heal as a shortcut that anyone can use to find which remedy is appropriate to use for their complaint. My mission:

I want to make access to the remedies easy, simple and effective.
I want, more than anything, for people to start using the remedies to self-heal the mental states and mindsets that create the illness in the first place.
I want them to use the remedies proactively in times of stress and pressure than can lead to illness.
I want people to reach for a Bach Flower remedy before they reach for any other allopathic pill.
I want people to take healing into their own hands before they rush off for a prescription that may have side effects.
I want to educate and to encourage self-reliance on the power within everyone to heal.

Thanks to Susan Irby and her excellent interviewing skills, I think we may have opened a few minds and curiosity for using the remedies to heal.

Thank you Susan for the gift of your precious self, your airtime and your gracious spirit. I love working with you.


Bikinis and Bach Flowers

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